

man snoring

About 50% of adults snore, and many don’t know that it can represent serious health problems. At Michigan Avenue ENT, dedicated ENT specialist Julian Dixon, MD, is an expert in uncovering the root of your snoring and providing effective solutions for long-lasting relief. Life without snoring is possible, so call their The Loop, Chicago, Illinois, office or click the online contact button to learn more.

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How will I know if I’m snoring?

If you live with other people, particularly if you share a bed with someone, rest assured: they’ll let you know if you're snoring. Snoring is disruptive and can be downright frustrating for you as well.

A few of the signs that you might be snoring include restless sleep, bad breath, concentration issues, and morning headaches.

Do nasal problems cause snoring?

Snoring happens because breathing is partially obstructed as you sleep. There are many possible causes, including serious health-threatening ones such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, more likely causes stem from the nasal area, specifically:


Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, the hollow passages that allow you to breathe in air and expel mucus. Inflammation causes the sinuses to swell until they’re much narrower than usual, restricting your breathing (nasal congestion).

Naturally, when you can’t breathe properly through your nose, you tend to breathe more through the mouth. This increases snoring and can make for some very noisy nights.

Deviated septum

When the septum — the cartilage “sheet” dividing your nostrils — isn’t properly centered between your nostrils, it can make nose breathing more difficult.

For example, with a severely deviated septum, you might effectively have only one nostril to breathe through. This, of course, increases your reliance on mouth breathing and makes you more likely to snore.

Other nasal issues, for example, large nasal polyps, may cause or partially cause snoring. Non-nasal factors, like sleeping on your back, drinking excessively, and extra weight, can also contribute to snoring.

What are the treatments for snoring?

Snoring treatments depend on the root cause of your snoring. In many cases, people who snore have a nasal condition that’s easily treated through conservative or minimally invasive procedures.

For example, balloon sinuplasty is an office-based procedure that gently opens and widens your stuffy or blocked nasal passages to restore healthy breathing. Balloon sinuplasty is a local anesthesia procedure and takes less than an hour in the Michigan Avenue ENT office.

Balloon sinuplasty offers long-term results and doesn’t require any downtime. Most patients say recovery is very comfortable. A range of other treatments are available for snoring, so don’t wait to get your diagnosis and treatment.

If you’re ready to get back to restful nights, Michigan Avenue ENT is here to help. Book your appointment through the online feature or call the Chicago office today.